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Tuesday 02 July

An Introduction to Chromosome Mapping using DNA Painter()

Twilight Talks

When: 7pm to 8pm ACST

Where: 201 Unley Road, Unley
 or online via Zoom

7pm, Tuesday 2 July

FREE for members, $15 for visitors

Online via Zoom and in the library on Unley Road. 

Have you taken an autosomal DNA test, but don't know how to visualise and use the data to further your research? Join us for this introductory Twilight Talk about using DNA Painter to map your chromosomes.

DNA Painter is a website for genealogists who have taken an autosomal DNA test. In this seminar you will learn how to use DNA segment data to build your unique genetic family tree. You will see how to use chromosome mapping to visualize the actual segments you have inherited from specific ancestors and learn how to confirm the acccuracy of your research. If you are an obsessed genealogist, this is where the fun really starts!

Segment data is available on most DNA sharing platforms except Ancestry. Demonstrations in this seminar will use MyHeritage. To get more out of this seminar, you may find it helpful to upload your DNA to MyHeritage for free and register for a free DNA Painter account before the seminar. 

Please note, this session will be recorded, and all attendees will recieve a link to the recording after the event.

Registrations close Tuesday 2 July, 9:00 am.

Zoom registrants will receive a link the day of the event, at least 1 hour before the event starts.