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Volunteering Opportunities

Genealogy SA is guided by the Society Volunteer Policy. 

Data checking Are you a good Data Checker or believe that it is something that you would like to do?  If you are, then we need your help! Our data entry needs checking and we need more checkers.
If you are interested please contact David Ballinger on [email protected] to register your interest.

Whilst workload fluctuates from time to time new volunteers are always welcomed, and play an important role in pursuing the Society's objectives of promoting genealogy and promoting the Society, and in adding to the Genealogy SA resources of South Australian family history information.

Projects volunteers are the back room heroes whose patient and detailed work in collecting, collating and checking information, in transcribing and indexing and data entry, eventually produce those family history information data bases on which the Genealogy SA reputation has been built.

Research volunteers are the detectives, mainly helping those away from the Library. Research services have traditionally required finding information not easily accessed. Genealogy SA is now expanding these services to include help with research techniques, like what to do when your line of enquiry hits a brick wall.

Library volunteers are the friendly and welcoming face of Genealogy SA, helping newcomers, visitors and members with their researches. Library volunteers need to keep active in their own research abilities with the ever-changing world of information databases, particularly on the large subscription websites.

Role Description Library Reception Desk Volunteer (positions vacant)
Role Description Library Resource Desk Volunteer (positions vacant)
Role Description Library Coordinator Assistant Volunteer (positions vacant)

Event volunteers are the friendly and welcoming face of Genealogy SA greeting and welcoming members and guests to our in person and online events and play an important role in promoting the Society.

Role description Event Team Leader Volunteer (currently vacant)
Role description Event Volunteer (positions vacant)

Volunteer Now!

Volunteers with specific skills and capabilities in accounting, administration, computing, databases, information technology, sales and marketing, writing and publishing are always sought after, but there are lots of other tasks to be done as well.

If you'd like to volunteer, please Register Online  or contact [email protected]