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Events Calendar

Wednesday 05 February

Adelaide Showground Museum and Archives(Meetings, Lectures & Seminars)

Wednesdays @ 1

When: 1pm to 2pm ACST

Where: 201 Unley Road, Unley
 or online via Zoom

1pm, Wednesday 5 February

FREE for members, $20 for visitors

Online via Zoom and in the library on Unley Road.

This month for Wednesdays @ 1, we're joined by Erin Reardon, Museum and Archives Coordinator at the Adelaide Showground. 

The collection of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society Archives contains competition entries and catalogues, maps, programs, photographs and much more, providing a fascinating insight into the era of their creation. When Erin Reardon began at the RA&HS Archives, he quickly discovered he had the autonomy and expectation to decide the direction of the archives, a simultaneously exciting and daunting prospect. This talk will discuss the collection, the history it represents, and finding the right help to future-proof it and make it accessible.

Please note, this session will be recorded, and all registrants will recieve a link to the recording after the event.

Registrations close Wednesday 5 February, 9:00 am


Wednesdays @ 1 and Twilight Talks are our alternating monthly seminar events. Free for members, these events focus on topics of interest to family historians, such as talks from archives and museums, presentations from historians or authors, or seminars from genealogical research subscription sites.